Friday, December 31, 2010

Step 2: 左脚分开 (Start with Parting the Left Leg)

  1. Until all the weight are on the right side, slowly lift up the left heel, gently twist the left heel outwards/left-wards using the left toes as pivot, until the left foot is pointing straight to the front and at right angle to your body.
  2. Next, land your left heel very gently so that the whole left sole is completely touching the floor with as little force as possible.
  3. By now, you should be ready to balance the whole body on the right side and yet NOT visible at all to an outsider that there is a shift of the physical body to the right.
  4. Using your 'yi', transfer some body weight to the left side, feel that the whole body is balanced and stabilised, and then transfer all the weight back to the right again.
  5. When you are completely balanced on the right side, lift your left leg gently and step left-wards, so that the two feet are apart, about the width of your shoulders.
  6. Next, turn slightly to the right, initiating the turn at the waist level, until your torso and head (as a block) is facing diagonally at about 30 degrees to the right.
  7. Without being visible to an outsider, slowing shift your body weight to the left side, you must not be seen as moving your whole body to the left side.
  8. Then lift up your right toes slightly, with the right heel still on the ground.
  9. Using the right heel as pivot, turn the right toes inwards until both the feet are parallel to each other and both pointing to the front.

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