Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Step 12: 手挥琵琶 (Hand Strums the 'Pipa')

  1. Keep both palms in the same position as before; left palm just above the left knee facing down and right palm at chest level facing the front.
  2. Shift your body weight onto the left leg so that you can lift up your right heel, then the whole right foot and pull it forward to gently touch your left heel.
  3. Next stretch your right foot half a step back and land on the toes.
  4. As you start to shift your body weight backwards onto your right leg, slowly lower your whole right foot. At the same time, lower your right hand onto the side so that the right hand is completely lowered to coincide with the time your right heel touches the ground (your right sole completely flat on the ground).
  5. Continue to shift your body weight completely onto your right leg.
  6. When your left foot is completely 'weightless', lift it upwards by bending slightly at the knee; raising both hands forward at the same time. Keep your whole body at the same height throughout. Do not be seen as bobbing up your head or lifting the whole body.
  7. Then land your left foot on its heel gently, and time both your palms to stop at your chest/tummy level with a final tilt at both wrists upwards so that the fingers point to the front and slightly upwards. The left palm should be slightly higher and further out than the right palm.
  8. At this juncture, sink deep at the hip ()and continue to emphasize your body weight on the right leg, behind. The pose of your hands is exactly like 'strumming the Pipa' - left palm holding the neck of the 'Pipa' and right fingers strumming.

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