Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Step 9 : 右靠 (Lean Forward)

  1. With more weight on the left leg, turn your whole body anti-clockwise to face the 'original left'. You will be turning your right toes anti-clockwise with pivot on the right heel. At the same time, lower both your hands slowly down to the sides. Land your right sole completely down. At the pause, both feet should be parallel and pointing to the 'original left'. Using your 'Yi', sink your body down evenly on both legs. Relax your shoulder joints which will lead to both your elbows slightly bent. At this pause, both palms should be facing backwards and fingers pointing to the ground with the feeling of 'Qi' () flowing at the finger tips.
  2. Again, by using your 'Yi', loosen the shoulders, shift more weight onto the left leg and turn your body clockwise to face the 'original front', turning the right toes clockwise, pivoting on the right heel. This turning will bring about movements of both arms as such: it should raise your left arm up across the chest - starting with upper left arm, and fulcrum being at the left shoulder and continuing with the lower left arm bending up (with fulcrum now at the left elbow) until the left thumb touches your right shoulder joint. At the pause, the left palm should be facing right with the left wrist bent. For the right arm - turn your right palm clockwise very slightly so that it will face your left. At the pause, the right last finger should be touching your right thigh. Remember to curve your right elbow slightly too so as to relax and let the 'Qi' flow.
  3. At the end of this move, you should be facing the 'original front', sank deep down at the hip and check that you are completely balancing on your left leg, right toes lifted and right heel barely touching the floor.
  4. Stabilise your whole body on the left leg and pull your right foot inwards to tiptoe very lightly on your right toes.
  5. Then stretch your right foot far out straight in front of you, landing first using the right heel and then the whole right sole. Shift more weight onto the right leg and advance your whole body forward, with no change of positions of both your palms.
  6. Use your 'Yi' to invoke the 'Gong Tui' (躬腿), stiffening your left calf, then feel the 'Qi' flow up the thigh, through the waist, up the back to the shoulders and to the finger tips.

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